Autocompound Feature

Ape Escape
2 min readJun 17, 2021

Good day fellow Apes! We are happy to announce the release of our latest app feature, autocompound.
With the click of a button it enables stakers to semi-automatically compound their ROKT/BNB lp tokens. This feature allows your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) to become Annual Percentage Yield (APY).

How does it work?

When the user toggles the autocompound feature on, the contract will automatically claim any rewards the user has on every contract interaction (deposit, withdraw or autocompound button press) and sell half the rewards for BNB. It then deposits the BNB and ROKT to the Pancakeswap pool and stakes it back in the contract.

ROKT Earned is the amount of ROKT you have pending as rewards in the contract since the last contract interaction. This value resets after every claim to compound.

LP Converted is the amount of LPs that you have added to the pool since you turned on Autocompound.

Under the Autocompound button you will see the time since the last contract interaction was made. If you have earned enough ROKT and you feel that enough time has passed since the last compound was applied, you can simply press autocompound and the contract will do all the compounding steps for you and for all the other Apes in the pool. Remember — Apes together strong!

The Engine for Unstoppable Rewards

Currently there is a 1% fee that is charged for this convenience. Since this contract is opt-in users that don’t want to use the feature and pay the fee can simply choose to manually autocompound their rewards.
The fee is sent to a strategy contract which convertes the BNB to NTRO and sends it to the treasury, controlled by ROKT holders.
This creates constant demand for NTRO while continuously distributing rewards for ROKT and NTRO stakers.

If you have any questions reach out to us on Discord or Telegram.



Ape Escape

INVEST, STAKE, EARN, FARM, AUTO-COMPOUND, and GROW with your fellow Apes in a powerhouse DAO.