Ape Escape

Ape Escape
6 min readJun 17, 2021


TLDR: Apescape DAO enables individuals to coordinate and grow their wealth together. Anyone can start their participation in the DAO by buying $NTRO.

$NTRO is a bonding curve token that you can only purchase from https://apescape.eth.link/. $NTRO buys and sells fuel the yields in the ecosystem.

Over time we’ll add more strategies to Apescape with the intent of continuously buying $NITRO. This way it becomes a truly yield generating index token backed by the strongest defi protocols.

$ROKT is our governance token that can be earned by staking $NTRO or providing liquidity to $ROKT/$BNB on PancakeSwap.

Both $NTRO and $ROKT can be staked as a single asset to earn $BNB at meaningful APY’s.

We recently finished the development of Apescape. A project which utilizes fine tuned tokenomic incentives, memenics and yield farming to produce an almost fully “decentralized” (the project is built on BSC) powerhouse DAO.

As the name implies, the aim of the project is to coordinate capital with the goal of releasing apes from their 9 to 5 daily grind. In the process we also create a DAO which will offer sustainability and allow for Ape coordination once they are finally free from the shackles of everyday mundane labor.

Using a combination of token incentives, money printing, and yield farming, we believe we have produced what it takes to finally unplug our primate souls from the matrix.

Here. Just take the red pill already.

How to power a rocket and escape to the moon with a bunch of strangers

Apescape is a two token system, Nitro and Rocket. Nitro is responsible for bootstrapping Rocket, the governance token of the future DAO of the Apes.

$NTRO is an index token backed by staked $BNB/$CAKE LP. Anyone can get exposure to $NTRO by sending $BNB to the smart contract responsible for minting it (Reactor). It will start with zero supply (no pre-mine).
The Reactor is a simple bonding curve contract which accepts $BNB, and spits out $NTRO on the other end.

$NTRO has the following characteristics:

  • Each index token minted is a tiny bit more expensive than the previous one. The more tokens minted (greater the supply) the more expensive the token is.
  • There is a 10% tax on each token sale to and from the contract. So if a user buys 100 $BNB worth of $NTRO, they will pay 10 BNB as tax.
  • The tax is collected and 50% is distributed to $NTRO stakers on the $BNB Reward Pool. (We will explain what happens to the remaining tax below)
  • Half of the resulting 90 $BNB is sold for cake and added as liquidity together with the $BNB (50% BNB/ 50% $CAKE) to Pancake Swap.
  • The resulting LP is then staked in Pancake Swap for yield farming at a current APY of ~60%.
  • The yield (In $CAKE) is continuously harvested, sold for $BNB and distributed to the $BNB reward pool rewarding $NTRO stakers.

The idea is that early buyers who get $NTRO for cheaper will most likely take profits as more individuals join the pool. Since they pay a 10% tax fee on each purchase or sale of $NTRO, the stakers of $NTRO, who stay in the system, will benefit by receiving these taxes in the form of $BNB rewards. The more volatility the greater the rewards.

$NTRO Flow:

$ROKT is the governance token of the system. Like Sushi or Cake, it is minted to select staking pools. $ROKT will be issued to the staking pools in the following percentages:

  • 50x $BNB/$ROKT LP — The famous Pool 2.
  • 25x Treasury — Fully Controlled by ROKT token holders.
  • 15x Team — We have built the rocket, therefore we reserved our own seats for the journey.
  • 5x $NTRO — Stake $NTRO receive $ROKT

Burn Baby Burn
Each time a user claims their $ROKT rewards, 10% is sent to the NITRO contract. Every 10 minutes, a small portion of the total liquidity in the $BNB/$ROKT pool (0.01%) is calculated and used to exchange the accumulated $ROKT to $BNB. This is done to avoid any excessive sell pressure on the pool. The $BNB is then used to buy and burn $NITRO, forever locking $BNB/$CAKE tokens in Pancake Swap and generating interest that will be rewarded to $NITRO and $ROKT stakers.

Staking $ROKT
Users who stake $ROKT on the BNB Reward Pool earn 50% of the $NITRO tax and 50% of all yield generated in the $BNB/$CAKE pool. It is important to emphasize that the rewards are paid in $BNB and users are only required to stake the one token, hence they are not subject to impermanent loss.

How rewards are distributed with health of the ecosystem in mind:

All collected taxes are evenly distributed between every block on a 7 day rolling period. This means that a very successful $NITRO pool would guarantee a high rate of return during that week of the project’s existence. This in turn would generate more interest and more volume which would further feed the reward pool for the upcoming weeks.
Below is a brief example of what a 10M dollar investment in the $NITRO pool would look like.

Suppose that 10M USD were deposited in the $NITRO pool.

10% of that (1M USD) would be taxed and distributed evenly between all blocks for 7 days. 50% of that would go to $NTRO stakers and 50% would go to $ROKT stakers.

$NITRO would have a market cap of 10M, and even if all tokens in circulation were to be staked (which is extremely unlikely since some participants will most likely take profit), it means that the pool would have a 5% return in one week. Generating a 260% APY.

On the other hand, $ROKT tokens have a very different issuance than $NTRO.

$ROKT are issued at a rate of 0.2 tokens per BSC block. Since BSC has an average of a 5 second block, we are talking about an issuance of roughly 3,456 $ROKT per day. Only 60% of that is actually being distributed, which leaves us with ~2,073 tokens being issued per day.

In our hypothetical example, 50% of 1M in tax goes to the $ROKT stakers. This means that 500K USD are distributed to stakers in one week. If we assume that all of the tokens which will be distributed that week were to be staked (14,511 tokens) each token staked would be receiving a total of 34.45 USD at the end of that week. So we can assume that even if one token was valued at half of that price (17.22 USD) it would still be receiving 100% return in one week. Generating a total of 5,200% APY.

If all $ROKT tokens are staked, this means that the only way to acquire more tokens is by staking and waiting on the pools or by buying from the $BNB/$ROKT pool (since LPs in that pool receive 50% of $ROKT token’s supply, we think it is safe to assume there will be some liquidity there).

From this example, it is clear that a strong healthy initial $NTRO pool launch would greatly benefit the $ROKT token value, its holders and subsequently strengthen the DAO.

Where to go from here

We’re going to develop more strategies that continuously buy $NTRO and ensure healthy yields for all participants.

As with everything crypto, there are no certainties. It is only with trial and error, perseverance, creative ape mind, and in unison that we will finally be able to transform and reinvent our reality. We are living through the biggest revolution of our time and it has never been so exciting to be part of something bigger than ourselves.

Ape Together Strong



Ape Escape

INVEST, STAKE, EARN, FARM, AUTO-COMPOUND, and GROW with your fellow Apes in a powerhouse DAO. https://apescape.eth.link/